The Circuit

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Discussion Notes

The Circuit

  • Private and public regional trail network 

    • Circa 2010

    • 4 counties in S. Jersey and 5 SEPA

  • Ambitious vision and realized with a diverse community to engage political support and other community stakeholders

  • Coalition of groups and individuals

  • Partnerships help build awareness and capacity

  • Circuit is the brand name for the coalitions and network of trails in the region. WPF supported this effort. Crowd sources for actual naming

  • 40% there

  • Signage

  • In Philly 25 miles left to complete

  • About $25 million of funding needed. Something the next mayor can tackle!

  • Local/regional/federal money to support this mission

  • Steering Committee – 14 spots. Elected position. Monthly meetings. Decision makers to move vision forward.

    • Communication portals +

  • County level – feasibility studies

    • Different barriers to entry based on political structure

  • Programming where trails exist and in spaces invested


  • Hilco

  • Keeping all partners informed in real time

  • City Council (convo comparison of trails vs. buildings)

  • Interweaving trails to local roadways

  • Maintenance and “ownership” of trails in some counties is a hurdle


  • Focusing efforts on community on Circuit network that aren’t yet “connected”

  • JEDI taskforce

  • Diversity and equity study led by steering committee

  • Good model for all forms of community engagement

  • Uncovered basic necessities communities want (benches, tables, lights, etc.)

  • Cobbs Creek grassroots advocacy → John Heinz

Action Items

  • Department of Transportation

  • Friends groups in each segment

Group 3: 

  • Ambition to connect over 750 trails

  • Success

    • Building coalition and groups

      • Private and public

      • Steering committee

        • Elected position that cycles every 2 years

    • Funding

      • William Penn foundation

      • Because it is regional they have access to regional and national funding

  • Obstacles

    • Connection between Schukyll and Bartrams 

    • Keeping partners informed in real time

    • City council can at times be a hinderance

    • Maintenance

  • Action items

    • Supporting friends groups


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