Tacony-Frankford Watershed

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Discussion Notes


  • Just finished creating a master plan

    • Need money to implement this

  • The safer the park, the safer the infrastructure under the park will be

  • Measure how much litter we pick up

  • Goals: 

    • Clean watershed

    • Park: clean, welcoming, community asset bringing people into the park

  • Tools:

    • Monthly programming

    • Partnerships

    • Stewardship

  • Relationship with Parks & Rec

    • Gives support and leeway

    • Park has no trash cans

    • Limited capacity of Parks & Rec

  • Building credibility is important

    • Credibility with parks & Rec, with the City/Mayor, with the community

  • Don’t want to wait for staff. Need partners.

  • Everything is mobile

  • Positivity spreads

    • Put it in pockets throughout the city 

  • Closed the boat launches because of parties and ATVs and ranger shortages

  • Hesitant to allow others to do the services that they don’t have the capacity to do

    • Lack of trust in other models

  • The middle tier – in between the small and large groups – is hard. Left on their own and “abandoned”

  • Ask for volunteer and friends groups but don’t know how to work with these groups

    • Lost a friends group (no indemnity)

    • Maintenance agreements and liability

    • Changes need to come from the mayor

Public Support

  • Programming:

    • Walks and runs

    • Nature walks/birds

    • Quarterly festivals

    • Family

    • Free events

  • Clean ups

    • The little kids like to use the “robot hands” and be part of the clean up

  • Need not just support but a plan of how to support volunteers and groups – from the mayor and elected officials 

  • Need support, and plan and funding – the Mayor and the City have to have our back

  • What’s the succession plan for friends groups?

  • Crime, opioid epidemic, and homelessness

  • Inequity in response and prevention

  • The officials need to walk through the area. Walk slow so that they really see what’s going on

  • It’s a question of leadership: making this a priority and be willing to take the risk

  • People are concerned about access and safety vs. new programming

Tookany/Tacony Watershed

  • Julie, Executive Director, provided group with a summary of the Tookany Watershed

    • 30 square mile urban watershed 

    • We need to protect the parks that surround the urban watershed

      • Storm water sewers and infrastructure are built under their parks

    • Julie and her staff work to connect people to their creeks

      • They do this through education, stewardship, restoration, advocacy, programs, community engagement

    • Funded by Philadelphia Water Department

What was most important to success?

  • Tookany has just finished up their masterplan

  • According to Julie, success hasn’t been achieved yet

  • Collaboration:

    • PWD supports TTF each year

      • PWD created Tookany 

      • PWD is able to support Tookany because they have infrastructure under the park

  • Community

    • The more people using the park, the safer the people will be

  • What are the goals of the organization (Nunera)

    • Make Tookany a clean, welcoming space that is a community asset

      • This means a clean watershed

      • Build a constituency and get people back into the park

      • Get the city to address the issues that keep people out of the park

        • Crime

        • ATV usage

  • Sign of progress: 

    • There is an active friend group within the park and the city agreed to allow the friend group to create a masterplan 

  • Challenges to success:

    • Building a relationship the city has not been easy

    • Building credibility to the city, and parks and rec 

      • Would like for Tookany to be just like Friends of the Whisahicken 

    • Lack of investment by the city

      • Up to friends groups to clear trash

      • There is no staff at Tookany creek park

        • They have gates that they don’t open because of lack of capacity

    • City timeline vs. Tookany’s timeline

      • Julie can’t wait on the department of Parks and Recreation to have the staff needed 

        • Instead, it is more effective to support and enable partners to get things done- Don’t want to wait on the city

    • Lack of trust between Parks and Rec/the city and smaller organizations

      • There needs to be accountability to people, such as those who make up friends groups, who are volunteering so much of their time doing the City’s job

    • Lack of capacity at Parks and Rec

      • PPR has maintenance agreements with larger organizations and that is what Julie is asking for; city needs to be willing to create maintenance agreements with smaller organizations

    • Issue across the city: ask for friend groups/volunteer groups but inability to figure out how to work with them

      • Good model in NYC

        • If you’re going to ask groups to work with you, you need to ask them what they need

      • They are working with larger friends groups but not middle tier or smaller groups

        • Tookany is left on their own

      • Friends groups have been sued out of existence due to lack of support from the city

        • Lost 60 year old friend group because of a slip and fall

        • Liability and maintenance issues

  • Programming has been important to success for Tookany

    • Walking group, running group, weekly cleanup, monthly cleanup

      • Built constituency, brought a lot of people into the park and created programming; BUT Tookany doesn’t have a facility which is limiting (though this is not even a priority anymore)

        • All programming that Tookany does is mobile

What worked best to build public support?

  • Programs

    • Getting people out on the trail regularly

      • Nature/bird walks

      • Quarterly festivals

        • Block parties every June

        • Fall fest

        • Movies

      • People appreciate this! It is all free and this is how they connect with the community

        • Frequency is important 

        • People feel invested if they attend events and also have the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of the park

  • Challenges to public support

    • Lack of support/planning around friends groups and volunteers

      • The aforementioned lawsuit that happened was discouraging because the friend group was liable but had no support from the city 

      • What is the succession plan for all of these friend groups?

        • A lot of older people are maintaining them and they will age out

    • Gun violence and opioid epidemic

      • Problems in parks that Parks and Rec cannot address

      • Don’t want a massive police presence in the parks, but they also don’t want the parks to be a hub for crime

      • City expected Parks and Rec to deal with opioid epidemic in Kensington

        • This took resources away from other parks

    • Homelessness

      • That shouldn’t be an issue for parks either

        • That is a separate social issue that the city to take care of that isn’t up to the friends group or parks

          • The parks have been abandoned

    • Lack of leadership

    • Lack of comprehensive response

    • Programming can only do so much to address the larger issues in our parks

Key takeaways from first breakout session:

  1. Tookany

    1. Safety

      1. A safer park will protect the infrastructure 

    2. Programming, partnerships, stewardship

      1. Hard to deliver for TTF

        1. They need more support and capacity so that they can continue to deliver 

    3. TTF is in between friends groups and larger organizations

    4. Funding and Plan is needed to be spearheaded by the mayor and other leaders

      1. The mayor needs to have our back!

  2. Discovery Center

    1. What worked with the discovery center?

      1. The support from the community

        1. And in turn the support they were able to provide to the community

      2. Rental space created income for utilities 

      3. Partnerships

        1. Partnered with other organizations (Audubon and Strawberry Mansion)

          1. allowed them to understand what the community needed

      4. Negatives

        1. Maintenance 

        2. Turnover

    2. 18 million dollars fundraised


Cleaning and Greening Vacant Lots


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